Saturday, 31 December 2011

Pause, heave, and... Move on.

The heart* was made to be broken. - Oscar Wilde 

           No, I am not talking about evanescent affairs or annihilated quixotic relationship. The cardiac can also shatter with demise, disappointment, deceit, insult, inefficiency and the like. The shatter is then companied by hysterical rage. Tears, masculine or feminine, are oft sensible when they well up due to anger rather than anguish. Anger, being profoundly venomous, could also be your motivation, your rocket fuel to success. (Take it from RajniKanth films.) Where a time machine seems impractical, it is vain to detach yourself, cry a river and wish for a rewind button in life. Also, never consider revenge, for it is the filthiest of emotions and deeds.

           These downfalls in life are in fact a blessing in disguise. Know why? You are more enlightened in life (of course, after you cry your river and tear at your hair) and you get to marvel at your strength. These are the times you will be cognizant of the people who always cared for you, where you can throw away those sad songs, pull up your socks, sport and be optimistic about the rest of your life.


           The question is… do you want to rot like a carcass? No, right? Every breath you take after your mishap is the proof you can stay alive accepting it. Time has it’s adroit scheming of dissipating hard feelings. Meanwhile, you can aid time by learning to distract yourself and keeping your personal light on. For the measure of a man is the way he bears up under misfortune. If something is foolish enough to fleet away from you, be smart enough to let it go.

             I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying. :P Just take this one thing from me.

            Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.

              Let’s honour 2011 by moving on. (: 

[*Based on the assumption that the palm-sized blood circulating organ is responsible for emotions.]

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