I look at the question paper.
*Blink. Blink.*
Fuck, this is dead easy! I think to myself. My pen slides through the sheets. My mind slides through the movies I had watched recently. I don’t even know why I am standing up and sitting down constantly. Oh! I am taking additionals! This is so cool! My subconscious is writing the entire paper!I let it do the dirty job of vomiting all that I mugged.
15 minutes more. And I am already done. 18 additionals. Did I leave out something? Looks like everyone are still struggling to complete the paper..
I scratch my head. I think about revising the paper again. I decide against it. Draw something on the question paper. The invigilator gives me a dirty look. I turn down, embarrassed and try to break the pencil overwhelmed by the emotion. I start shaking my legs. Mr. Invigilator steals side peeks at me. He suspects me to be mal-practicing. Damn these 18 additionals! He still thinks ill of me!
He comes over and collects everyone’s bunch of vomit. My turn to look disgusted at his contented look when he is the one with contaminated hands.
Ureni comes and asks, what’s the answer to this one?
*Blink. Blink.*
Fuck, I don’t know! Fuck, I didn’t write it!
Same with few other people’s questions.
Oh my God! Didn’t I write anything at all?!
Holidays are over. We get our papers. I had written everything. Teacher says something about me being sincere. Shanmathi gives me a dirty look, or so I do assume. I swear I don’t know how I got so much!, I signal to her.
I flip through the pages and there they are! The answers to the questions I thought I missed!
Welcome to state board, I thought, and smiled.